Digit Manipulation The art of transforming your dial-plan By the end of this great post, ‘Digit manipulation – The art of transforming your dial-plan,’ you will understand the basics of digit conversion, and digit translation; by utilizing the incoming-call-handling-treatment tables, signaling-groups, route-patterns, and other elements part of both CM and IP Office. As programmers, we […]
Data Center Design 4 core components to optimize, and protect your data. By the end of this posts ‘Data Center Designs’, you will obtain ideas on how to secure and optimize your Data Center. From rack-layouts, real-estate equipment allocation, environmental prerequisites, PDU distribution, accessibility, and more. When I was a Project Engineer, I was responsible […]
Avaya Protocols and OSI Model Graph. When troubleshooting voip issues, which layer, do you work on the most?
IPO SIP Trunking The 4 troubleshooting and maintenance procedures. In this post, ‘IPO SIP Trunking’ you will learn 4 troubleshooting and maintenance procedures when dealing with SIP Trunk. These 4 techniques helped me successfully fixed issues related to hardware implemented between the ITSP and the Avaya IP Office phone system, analyzing trunk activity and much […]